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Are you a cyclist who would like to improve your comfort and performance on the bike?

Do you get frustrated when minor aches and pains get in the way of your cycling?   And then quickly realise it might have something to do with the lack of stretching and strengthening you do!  Would you like to be stronger but worry about putting on too much muscle bulk when it’s hard enough dragging yourself up a hill at the moment?  Let’s face it, who wants to waste time doing strength and flexibility exercises when you could be out on your bike?


But wouldn’t it be great to be able to push yourself a little harder during a ride knowing that you’ve got the endurance to hold a comfortable posture for longer?  Could you ride a bit faster, a bit further, a bit better than you did yesterday, if you had the strength to keep up the same power output at the end of your ride?  Would you like to know once and for all, which specific exercises you need to do to help you prevent cycling related pains and allow you to enjoy riding your bike for longer, further and faster?

"Before doing pilates I felt tight across the back of my neck and my quads.  I wanted to become more flexible and improve my core and upper body strength.  I have no problems now with discomfort at the back of my neck.  I feel stronger in the body in all aspects of life including cycling.  My performance has improved.  I’m not necessarily faster but certainly stronger.  I feel powerful and dynamic.  I cannot fault the classes in any way.  Amy is great.  She corrects you when necessary and makes it fun!  Love this class.  Never once been reluctant to come out." 

Anne White  club cyclist


How can pilates help?

Everyone wants to perform to the best of their ability whether that’s competing in a time trial, riding in a sportive or going out on a leisurely ride with friends to a local café.  Pilates is a low impact form of training which has been scientifically proven to prevent injuries, reduce back pain, improve flexibility and balance.  It can be used as a recovery or maintenance tool when included in your overall training plan and helps reduce overtraining.


The classes I run are targeted specifically towards cyclists with the aim of counteracting the demands that cycling places on your body.  The exercises I give you will help to reduce strain on the neck and back, allow you to hold a comfortable cycling posture for longer and improve the power output from your legs.

"Clear (and patient!) instruction.  Full of encouragement to improve stability, mobility and form.  Amy explains the movement and reason for it clearly, which maximises both benefit and learning.  Overall, highly recommended and a worthwhile addition to any training programme."   

Drummond Grieve   club cyclist


Why should you work with me?

Having cycled long distances from John O’Groats to Central Scotland and done a number of sportives, I know how frustrating it can be to experience neck or back pain and not quite have the strength required to fully enjoy the ride.  I plan my classes accordingly to try and prevent cycling related aches and pains with the overall aim of improving your comfort and efficiency on the bike.


With 20 years experience as a physiotherapist and postgraduate training in pilates including professional development courses specifically related to cycling, my classes are planned with a detailed underlying knowledge of the human body and the requirements of the muscles and joints when on the bike.

"I wanted to try pilates to help my bike skills and balance.  

My balance has increased and I can go on my time trial bars and be more aero.  I am now very comfortable in the drops on my road bike.  Pilates has made me more confident on the bike especially on descending in the drops.  The classes are great.  When I couldn’t make the class I got an electronic version of the class I missed so that I could do it at home." 

   Andrea Gellan  Ironman triathlete

Kona Ironman World Championship qualifier


​The course includes:


  • A review of your detailed health questionnaire.

  • 8 physio-led cycling specific pilates classes.

  • A different lesson plan each week focusing on spinal mobility, muscle flexibility, balance and core, upper and lower body strength.  Exercises can be adapted for all levels of fitness.

  • Discussion during classes about how to link the theory behind pilates for cyclists to your actual body position on the bike.

  • All equipment and thick, comfortable mats provided.  

  • An electronic exercise programme including video or photo images if you are aware that you can’t make one of the sessions in advance.

  • Payment information will be given once suitability for the course has been confirmed.


£80 for 8 classes

Would you like to join the class?
Contact me (Amy) on 07780 872094 or click below to request a registration form. 
Amy-Daly-cyclist sport-physio-web.gif

If you feel you have more specific needs and would like physiotherapy assessment, treatment and advice, contact me to arrange a private appointment.  


You can expect:


  • A detailed telephone assessment including goal planning and COVID screening.

  • A COVID safe specialist physiotherapy assessment.

  • Advice and treatment which may include manual therapy, exercise therapy, soft tissue mobilisation or acupuncture.

  • An electronic exercise programme including video or high quality photographs.

  • To be treated in the comfort of your own home (within 5 miles of Dunfermline).

  • All equipment and portable bed will be provided by me.


£40 for 40min tel assessment

£40 for 40min face-to-face assesment 

£40 for 30min tel/video/face-to-face treatment

Would you like an assessment?
Contact me (Amy) on 07780 872094 or click below to arrange an appointment. currently suspended

Pilates will improve your ability to mould your body to the bike but if your set up is wrong in the first place, you'll find yourself fighting a losing battle.


A two hour bike fit includes:


  • Telephone assessment of cycling requirements and your concerns or observations about your current fit and COVID screening assessment.

  • Physical assessment on and off the bike.  Masks must be worn unless exempt.

  • Analysis of position by physio and cycling coach/mechanic from Evolution Cycle Training.

  • Amendments made at the time by cycling mechanic with all tools provided.

  • Electronic and hard copy exercise programme based on findings of physical assessment.



£100 for 2 hour bike fit

Would you like to arrange a bike fit?
Contact me (Amy) on 07780 872094 or click below to arrange an appointment.
Forthcoming dates for pilates for cyclists:

Mondays 10.30-11.30am at Baldridgeburn Community Centre, Dunfermline 

23 Oct 23 - 11 Dec 23, 15 Jan 24 - 12 Feb 24, 26 Feb - 25 Mar 24.  Oct 24 - Mar 25 TBC.

Mondays 7.30-8.30pm at Queen Anne High School, Dunfermline

23 Oct 23 - 11 Dec 23, 15 Jan 24 - 12 Feb 24, 26 Feb - 25 Mar 24.  Oct 24 - Mar 25 TBC.

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© 2023 Amy Daly Physiotherapy & Pilates 

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